

How to Videotape the School Play or Concert

I've been getting some compliments on the videos I've made of recent school plays, and I thought I'd post some of what I've learned "the hard way."A lot of this is just common sense, with some basic principals of photography thrown in, and of course my personal opinions about the way things should be done.Here you get to follow me as I videotape our middle-school play twice. Each time has its own [...]

How to Shoot Better Family Vacation Videos

Follow these tips to make sure your video is fun to watch and includes all the important parts of your vacation:Record your family getting ready for the trip. Shoot your family waking up on the big day, packing, and trying to find the tickets. It'll provide a great start for your movie, and family members who watch your video will have more insight into your life. While on vacation don't worry abo [...]

How to Shoot the Night Sky (Introduction to Astrophotography)

The following post on photographing the night sky is by jgomez65 – one of dPS’s forum members.Several people asked me to post a simple tutorial on how I took some night sky pictures. I am not an astrophotographer in any way, shape or form, nor do I have any expensive equipment. I simply read several tutorials, picked a dark spot on the beach and tried to do my best.Anyway, here is how I did [...]

Photography Lighting: how to take control of everything from natural light to flash

In this popular tutorial from our Shoot Like A Pro series we took an in-depth look at photography lighting and how you can take control of the elements to get more balanced, beautiful pictures. We start by taking a closer look at the character of light and how the quality of light will affect your images.Light is more than just how bright or dark it is; it’s also the key to the look, mood and [...]

The Human Side of Photography – 4 Tips for Natural Looking Portraits

Over the years my camera has become an extension of my arm, relate? Of course you do. Those lucky souls like you and I who discover they have a passion for photography quickly find it to be magically intoxicating in every way. We just can’t get enough.Well passion and creative vision out the wazoo (pardon my French), even when coupled with perfect light, perfect equipment, and all the experience [...]